Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Lifelong Learning and Leadership

As the holidays come about in the late fall of 2019, I have come to know a most remarkable lady.
She celebrated her 100th birthday in October.
Her name is Loretta Meyers.
She is a Chicagoland native, a retired businesswoman, a wife, now a widow, a mother, grandmother and great grandmother, and is a successful teacher. And, simply put, a leader in her own right.  Loretta gets around with the use of a wheelchair and a walker. She resides in a wonderful, cozy retirement center in Wilmette, IL. Our agency, BRC Access Care, is privileged to provide loving caregivers for Mrs. Meyers during each week. (Thanks to Bel and Helen).

As a token of our love and admiration for her, I was fortunate to go see her on Sunday afternoon along with a couple of kind teenagers who have dubbed their visitation ministry “Cardinal Cares”, using the metaphor of the cardinal as a symbol of God’s attendance and care for us just when we need it.

Pictured with Loretta is the sponsor of Cardinal Cares, Kym Malkin, and her daughter Mimi and friend Daisy. Also pictured, behind Mrs. Meyers, is our loving caregiver, Helen, holding the poinsettia we brought to Loretta.

While we were visiting Loretta, we happened upon a Christmas caroling program that she was attending. While visiting with her after the program, we encountered a few of her friends who are also residing at the center. One of them was Mr. Richard Baer, another of our wonderful clients who resides at the center. He is 90+ years young. Mr. Baer is an avid reader and is an enthusiastic and kind man. He loved the attention of the teens who shared their ministry of presence.
Mr. Baer with Mimi and Daisy and “the cardinal”
Mr. Baer told us an interesting tidbit about Loretta Meyers. For the past several months, beginning this past year, she has begun a program at the Center called “The Great Courses”.
 It is a gathering of course materials from several excellent sources, such as universities, National Geographic and others. Beginning in 2019, Loretta began offering this course material at the Center where they reside. Initially, they had 20 or so of Loretta’s friends in attendance. As the months went by, and the courses were offered, the numbers for this lifelong learning course increased, to where, nowadays, they have had to move the gathering to a larger space, since the gathering is garnering over 50 in attendance.
It occurred to me that Mrs. Meyers is a wonderful example for us all.
At age 100, she is initiating and offering a lifelong learning experience for her cohort there at the Center, encouraging others to join her as a lifelong learner.
Again, what a marvelous example for us all.
I admire Loretta Meyers so much that I just had to share this story about her.

What a great lady and outstanding leader she is!